DOS xBase-Clipper drivers

Treiber für die DOS-xBase-Clipper5-Umgebung für die fischertechnik-Interfaces (parallel, seriell, ROBO-Interface im Kompatibilitätsmodus sowie das Knobloch Multiface)

Hier die Beschreibung des Autors für die “Fischer Technik DOS xBase-Clipper drivers”:

Dear Fischer Technik user

In my opinion is the possibility to control the Fischer Technik interfaces and the knobloch Multiface from DOS(especially the xBase-environment Clipper5) is still a very interesting and effective option. In contrast with the heavy, complex and slow GUI oriented windows like XP are applications under DOS extremely fast, stable, robust, straightforward and have no overhead.

For a dedicated application in digital interfacing for example controlling ft robots is DOS very efficient and relevant.

That is why I have developed a complete set of DOS (xBase) Clipper drivers for all the Fischer Technik Interfaces and the MultiFace from Knobloch.

I make all the software available so the whole Fischer Technik community can benefit from this driver collection, I consider all the clipper ft driver software developed by me as freeware. I hope it will then soon be available from ft websites.

There are drivers for the ftlpt (30520), ftcom (intelligent interface, 30402), the robopro (in II-mode) and the Multiface-interface from knobloch. All drivers directly address the IO-hardware registers of the COM-and LPT-port these addresses are implemented as parameters so all possible IO-configurations suited. All interfaces can be used simultaneously for example the Intelligent Interface at COM2 and the LPT (30520) at LPT1.

All software including source code is in the zip-file: ftclip.zzz , so rename to for use. Read readme.txt first.

greetings: < >


inhoud zip bijlage ftclip.zzz -> (is !)

file list for DOS-xBase Clipper 5.2 ft interface drivers for the Intelligent Interface(30402), LPT(30520) and robopro interface and the MultiFace from Knobloch

CLIPXMS1 OBJ let the clipper VM use XMS instead of EMS CLIPXMS2 OBJ let the clipper VM use XMS instead of EMS CT LIB required : CA-Tools clipper library FT CH #include file with fischer techniek constants FT LIB all interfaces *.obj in one lib-file FT NG norton guide documentation ft interface functions FTCOM INI optional ini file with com port IO-adresses & IRQs FTCOM OBJ compiled ftcom.prg FTCOM PRG source code 30402-driver FTCOMTST EXE ftcom 30402 test program FTCOMTST LNK blinker link script for ftcomtst.exe FTCOMTST OBJ compiled ftcomtst.prg FTCOMTST PRG source code FTLPT CH #include file for ftlpt.prg FTLPT INI optional ini file with lpt IO-adresses FTLPT OBJ compiled ftlpt.prg FTLPT PRG source code 30520-driver FTLPTTST EXE ftlpt 30520 test program FTLPTTST LNK blinker link script for ftlpttst.exe FTLPTTST OBJ compiled ftlpttst.prg FTLPTTST PRG source code GENERIC CH required: #include file for all appl MFACE INI optional: ini file with multiface ioadresses MFACE OBJ compiled mface.prg MFACE PRG source code multiface driver MFACETST EXE test program for the multiface MFACETST LNK blinker link script for mfacetst.exe MFACETST OBJ compiled mfacetst.prg MFACETST PRG source code NOOT CH #include file for use of noot.lib NOOT LIB required : my own user defined functions library NOOT NG norton guide doc for noot.lib SIM_CTUS OBJ required replacement object for catools ctus.obj __WAIT_B OBJ required patch for present recent (too) fast cpu’s

zip (886 kB)
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Hochgeladen am 6.9.2005.

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