Java Corner

ftComputing : Programme für die fischertechnik-Interfaces und -konstruktionskästen


The class JavaFish

The class JavaFish contains a number of methods and properties to access the fischertechnik Interfaces. JavaFish uses the Wrapper-DLL javaFish.DLL for access to the common umFish20.DLL via JNI. To obtain all changes of the E-Inputs, umFish20.DLL polls them with high priority (using the MultiMediaTimer) in intervals of about 10 msec. In addition to the polling a refresh of the M-Outputs is done. If requested, it reads EX / EY too. The state is stored in an internal control block (can be determinined with instancing). The changes of the E-Inputs are counted and stored in special counter fields. This counters can be used for determining the position of an model (look for "impulse wheel" on the Industry Robots).

Sources and objects are contained in javaFish.ZIPumFish20Setup.EXE can be used to install the class files and the DLL's more comfortable. It contains also a tool : InterfacePanel to control the Interface values interactive.

The package ftcomputing.javaFish contains the class JavaFish and the following methods and properties :

JavaFish(ftInstance) Constructor, ftInstance : Handle for the internal control block (optional, only if more then one instances of JavaFish are in use).
setAnalogScan true : Analog-Inputs EX (0) and EY(1) will be scanned (default : false):
setSlave true : an Extension Module is connected to the Intelligent Interface.
setPollInterval  Time interval (msec) for polling the interface
openInterface  Opening a connection to the interface 
closeInterface  Close the connection to the interface
getVersion  Version of javaFish.DLL
showStatus  Console output of the actual state values
setMotor  Switch the M-Outputs M1-M4(M8), (1-4(8))
Left(Links) turn = 1, Right(Rechts) turn = 2, On(Ein) = 1, Off(Aus) = 0
clearMotors  Switch off all M-Outputs
setLamp  Switch the M-Output in "Lamp wiring"
(one pin to ground, one to M-Output) 1-8(16), true/false
getAnalog  Read one Analog-Input EX(0), / EY(1)
getInput  Read one E-Input E1-E8(E16) 1-8(16), true/false
getOutputs  Read all M-Outputs M1-M4(M8), M1 = right bit 00000001 (M1 on)
setOutputs  Write all M-Outputs M1-M4(M8), M1 = right bit 00000001 (M1 on)
getInputs  Read all E-Inputs E1-E8(E16), E1 = right bit 00000001 (E1 on)
clearCounter Clear all counters ( = 0 )
setCounter  Write a single counter to a start value (counter is decremented)
Counter 1 belongs to E1 ...
Can be changed to beginning with 0 by changing constant 12 to 11 
getCounter Read a single counter value
Counter 1 belongs to E1 ...
pause  Stop the program flow for n msecs.
finish  Look for end request (ESC-Key or E-Input)

Console Demo

public class FishTest{
public static void main(String[] args){
boolean res = false; int R;
ftcomputing.JavaFish ft = new ftcomputing.JavaFish();

System.out.println("Version Number : " + ft.getVersion());
R = ft.openInterface("COM1");
System.out.println("Open State : " + R);

} while(!ft.finish(1));

System.out.println("Analog EX : " + ft.getAnalog(0));
System.out.println("Program finished");

The demo switches the single lamps connected to M1 - M3 On, waits 1 second, then next lamps. If all lamps are on they are switched Off, waiting for one second. Done in a loop until E1 is true (or ESC Key is pressed).

  1. ftcomputing.JavaFish ft = new ftcomputing.JavaFish();
    New instance of JavaFish
    The Analog-Inputs (EX, EY) should be polled.
  2. ft.openInterface("COM1");
    Connection to an interface and determining which kind of interface it is (Universal/LPT or Intelligent)In this case an Intelligent Interface on COM1.
    Show the actual state values on console.
  3. do{ ... } while(!ft.finish(1));
    Endless loop, to end by E1 = true or ESC-Key.
  4. ft.setMotor() | ft.pause() ...
    The M-Outputs will be switch On, one after the other, 1 second delay and than switched off all, wait for 1 second.
  5. If ESC-Key is presed or E1 = true, the loop will be finished.
  6. ft.closeInterface
    The connection to the interface is closed.

NOTICE : Use the package which come with the ZIP file, otherwise javaFish.DLL doesn't work.

Something more Java and fischertechnik

German scripts - english comments in the sources : Axel T. Schreiner University of Osnabrück
Vorlesungen UNI Osnabrück

A small example with the JBuilder : ftcomputing.JavaFish and Swing : ftSwing

Stanzmaschine 51 663 : JavaSwing solution (JBuilder5).

Stand : 05.06.2009