Manual Pages

ftComputing : Programme für die fischertechnik-Interfaces und -konstruktionskästen

Functions of the parallel interface 30520

pages 27 and 28 from the fischertechnik manual 30566
"Interface für den Atari ST Computer". With kindly permission of fischerwerke.

If you use the fischertechnik computing software or write programs yourself using umFish.DLL or FishFace.DLL's (in the further text : machine language program), most likely you will not need the information that follows. If, however, you intend to write the programs on a system other than Windows, would like to speed them up through complex procedures in machine language, wish to extend the functions of the interface or simply want to glimpse behind the scenes, then the following information will most certainly be helpful. In this case, however, you should have a basic knowledge of machine language and digital electronics, since the is about the "bits and pieces".

The fischertechnik interface handles a number of tasks which we would like to discuss with the aid of the block diagram. fischertechnik Computing : parallel interfface block diagramOn the picture ftblock.jpg you see on the left the signals from and to the computer. Note how little they have in common with outputs M1 to M4 and inputs E1 to E8 and EX and EY. The reason for this is that the number of data lines available at the computer port is significantly lower than the number of lines required on the model side of the interface. This limited number of data lines must therefore be employed in such way as to control all signals on the modelside. The concept employed is that of multiple use of the data lines with the aid of shift registers. In this way, for example, only three data lines are required for controlling the output. A parallel connection scheme would have required eight data lines. Let's take a close look at the output at connections M1 to M4. The data lines required are designated DATA OUT, CLOCK and LOAD OUT. If there is an output, the data for all four motors are transmitted in each case. i.e. a whole byte (a byte because each of the for motors requires two bits for controlling the direction of rotation). The motor outputs to which the signal does not apply are thus once again supplied with the current state which is buffered in the computer as an output word.

For output, the bits of the output word are sequentially (with the most significant bit first) fed to the DATA OUT line. When the signal at the CLOCK output goes from low to high, the bit is transferred to a shift register. Then the next bit DATA OUT follows, and is likewise transferred to the shift register with the next CLOCK pulse. The previous bit has been shifted one position to the right in the shift register in order to make room for the subsequent bit. After a total of eight such data transfers, the whole output word has been transferred to the shift register. The bit first transferred has been shifted all the way to the right in the course of the data transfer. Thus far, the activity in the shift register has not had any effect on its outputs. The output amplifiers are not controlled directly by the shift register, but rather via an in-line storage register which is integrated in the shift register module. Only when the LOAD OUT output goes from low to high are the data transferred to the storage register. The timing of the signals is shown in the pulse diagram fischertechnik Computing : parallel Interface pulse diagram.

Whether the data are fed to the power amplifiers, however, depends on the enabling control of the memory module. The enabling circuit is controlled by a monostable multivibrator. This circuit generates an enabling signal with a duration of half a second if there is a pulse on the CLOCK line. We may assume that the power amplifiers receive a signal first since the data were just transferred with the aid of the CLOCK line. If no more data are transmitted within the next half second, however, the monostable multivibrator will flip back to the stable state and the enabling signal is removed. The monostable multivibrator, by the way, can be retriggered, i.e. the time of half a second is always calculated from the time of the last CLOCK pulse.

The monostable multivibrator also has an enabling input. The output to the amplifiers can be immediately inhibited via this input. On the fischertechnik interface this occurs when an invalid data pattern, which would command the connected motor to simultaneously turn clockwise and counterclockwise, applies at the output of the storage register. We will proceed with the transfer of the digital signals to inputs E1 to E8. Basically the input is a reversal of the output process described above. The output signal LOAD IN causes the transfer of the data applying at the inputs to the input shift register. This always invoices all eight inputs, even through only one of them is to be interrogated. When applying to the shift register, each pulse of the CLOCK line will cause the transfer of one bit on the input line DATA IN, the bit from E8 first and the one from E1 last. By testing this line, the computer can "collect" the bits and reassemble them into a data word. The desired bit is subsequently filtered out and transferred to the program.

Since the same CLOCK line is used for data transmission as for output, the digital input will also activate the monostable multivibrator, which controls the enabling signal for the output data. Malfunctioning of the output shift register caused by the multiple function of the CLOCK line is not to be expected since the current output data are not contained in the output shift register, but in the storage register. The former is controlled by the CLOCK pulses, unlike the latter, which only reacts to the LOAD OUT signal.

That leaves the analog inputs EX and EY. The potentiometers or other varable resitors are used as the timing element in two additional monostable multivibrator circuits. A low resistance value is converted to a short pulse, a high resistance value to a pulse with a long duration. The pulse itself is triggered by the starting signals TRTGGER-X and TRIGGER-Y (with negative logic), restrictively, and the appears an the COUNT IN line. A machine language program determines the pulse duration by means of the number of loops which can be executed during the duration of the pulse. This number is fed back to the program which calls this function. You can see that there is no direct relationship between the analog value and the angle position of the resistance of the potentiometer. The clock rate of the processor, however, is involved. There is a linear realationship between the number determined in the end and the resistance. If required, the value must be converted into angular degrees or resistance values by means of calibration.

At this point, we will briefly review the connection between the interface and the Computer. As you know form the section about connection the interface, the computers's parallel printer port is used for this purpose. Out of the eight data lines of this interface, the lower six are used for the output signals discussed above (Also refer to the following table).

The input lines pose a slight problem in that the parallel printer interface has only one input line available applying to all PC's. This is the active signal from the printer, BUSY. There is no conflict, however, if all input lines are combined using an OR circuit. Since the machine language program "knows" which input function it has requested, it has the capabiltiy of interpreting the signals on this one input line correctly.

Interface Signal Printer Signal Pin Number
LOAD OUT Data bit 0 2
LOAD IN Data bit 1 3
DATA OUT Data bit 2 4
CLOCK Data bit 3 5
TRIGGER-X Data bit 4 6
TRIGGER-Y Data bit 5 7
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